Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tea Party Nation Wants Small Business Owners to Cease Hiring

Grifter Judson Phillips and his for-profit Tea Party Nation is at it again. The other day we castigated him for labeling the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators “Nazis” and “communists.” Today, his target is the Obama administration; his tactic is destruction of Obama by way of the suicide of businesses, a severe scorched-earth tactic but in line with the Republican belief that if they can’t have America, nobody should, and akin to adults who like to kill their children when they kill themselves. You know, American values.

Tea Party Nation posted a grandiose and overwrought-sounding “Call For A Strike of American Small Businesses Against The Movement for Global Socialism” by Melissa Brookstone, naturally beginning with an Ayn Rand quote. What does Melissa want? Melissa wants people to stop hiring other people. She wants business owners to make like monks and climb on pyres and set themselves alight. Don’t hire anyone, is her message as she makes like a fascist of the 20′s railing against “international bolshevism.”