Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Profits from the Koch Brothers' Iranian Treason Pay Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck

If you’ve ever been enraged by the hypocrisy of the never-ending drum beat for “small government” by the Sarah Palin/ Glenn Beck type Tea Partiers, buckle your seat belt.

The much-awaited Bloomberg article hit the net last night and blew the lid off of the carefully guarded and barely recovering Koch Brothers’ reputations with revelations of Koch’s secret sales to Iran. This morning, the financial ties between Koch Brother Axis of Evil money and conservative spokespeople like Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck were further exposed.

Bloomberg revealed the deaths, bribes, felony charges, envelopes stuffed with cash, criminal violations, deliberate poisoning of the air with cancerous smoke, and hundreds of millions of fines behind the Koch Brothers. They revealed that employees are taught to cheat and steal under “The Koch Method.” Oh, and the Kochs sold millions of dollars in petrochemical equipment to Iran, a country recognized for sponsoring terrorism but also one of three countries in the George W Bush identified “Axis of Evil.”

It’s ironic that Sarah Palin, whom the Koch brothers money paid to speak on behalf of the “Tea Party,” has accused President Obama of “palling around with terrorists.” See, the money from those petrochemical sales funded Americans for Prosperity which funds the Tea Party which pays people like Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck to speak. David Koch is in fact the founder of Americans for Prosperity. This money trail is no longer murky.
