Monday, April 25, 2011

The Mean Spirited Mentality Behind the GOP’s War On Seniors and Jobs

When Republicans took control of the House in January, political observers had a basic idea of the agenda the new majority would pursue based on promises during the midterm campaigns. 

It was not surprising there was a vote to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act even though the vote was symbolic and had no chance of passing the Senate or President Obama’s veto pen. 

What was and is still surprising is that Republicans have not proposed any measures to create jobs or bolster the still sluggish economy regardless the budget deal Congress worked out with the president and Democrats.

It isn’t that the Republican majority has been lax during their first three months, they have actually been working tirelessly to change the nature of our country as seen in the Heritage Foundation’s budget that Representative Paul Ryan is pimping to the country. 

Ryan is finding that Americans are not as excited with Heritage’s reworking of America as conservatives hoped, and it may be that the mean, hateful vision of America controlled by corporations is not representative of Americans’ values.

However, before Ryan presented the Heritage plan for the future, Republicans had already proven that this group may well be the most hateful, mean-spirited assembly America has ever witnessed.

One thing is absolutely certain; Republicans are out to destroy the middle class and drive the country into the ground now and for generations to follow, all in the name of socially conservative values and corporate rule.