Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Republicans Ignore Thomas Jefferson as They Treat Women Like Livestock

n the past two years conservatives have touted their desire to return to the original intent of the Founding Fathers in regards to the Constitution of the United States.

It often appears that neo-cons are willing to ignore the amendments that were added over the course of the nation’s history to circumvent laws guaranteeing every group the freedoms and guarantees lawmakers passed to meet changing times.

However, the Constitution is not the only document that explains the Founders’ original intent and it is seldom that conservatives mention the Declaration of Independence; a brief perusal gives a hint why conservatives ignore it.

The gay community has slowly gained acceptance and a measure of legitimacy, but like women, they continue to be treated with contempt and inequality at the hands of social conservatives.

True to form, the progenitor of bad taste, Pat Robertson, managed to insult and demean women who make the difficult choice of having an abortion and gay women who, according to Robertson cannot have children.  Last week during a conversation with The 700 Club co-host Terry Meeuwsen, Robertson rationalized that the reason progressives support Planned Parenthood and “this culture of death” is to create a level playing field between married women who abort their pregnancies and lesbians.

Robertson claimed the far-left is crazy to kill babies and it’s why President Obama opposed cutting funding for Planned Parenthood. Robertson is obviously unaware that lesbians can have children if they choose to but it goes to a more important point. Robertson’s crazy talk is heard by a million audience members each day and they are comfortable subjugating heterosexual and homosexual women to little more than murderers in a culture of death.
