Many GOPers refer getting a "call" from God to run for President. Is it crass pandering to the religious right, or their massive egos?
Over the years, while many have heard and heeded "the call," few have emerged victorious, which means that either they didn't really get the call, or the caller was more trickster than heavenly messenger.
George W. Bush did it; Michelle Bachmann has done it a number of times, and appears to be about to do it again; As Mormons, it is highly unlikely that Mitt Romney or Jon Huntsman would dare do it; Newt Gingrich would do it if he thought there was a chance anyone would believe him; Tim Pawlenty's campaign manager did it only a few weeks ago; and, Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump would likely be laughed off the stage if they even tried it.
IT is "The Call" from God to run for the presidency.